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2nd Annual Walk to Remember Our Fallen Set for Memorial Day Weekend

The second annual 5k Walk to Remember Our Fallen will be held on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at the Pennsylvania Military Museum in Boalsburg.



Retired Army Sergeant Adam Hartswick, of Spring Mills, will be the guest speaker at A Soldier’s Hands’ second annual 5K Walk to Remember Our Fallen on Saturday, May 25, at the Pennsylvania Military Museum in Boalsburg.

The event will take place from from 8 to 9:45 a.m., rain or shine.

Hartswick was serving as a combat medic in Afghanistan when on May 14, 2013, he lost his legs and sustained other serious injuries from an IED while rushing into danger to help rescue and aid his fallen comrades. He was awarded a Purple Heart and an Army Commendation Medal with Valor. Hartswick lost four brothers in arms that day and has taken up the cause to share the story of their lives and heroism.

“As a surviving combat soldier, you always carry the fallen with you,” said Hartswick, who has his fallen brothers’ names tattooed on his arm. “Everything I do is for them. Every time I speak their name, they live through me.”

The event will kick off with a welcome from Trish Shallenberger, CEO of A Soldier’s Hands and event organizer. A Soldier’s Hands is a partner of the Carry The Load Continuum of Care Program, which helps raise awareness and funding that help military, veterans, first responders and their families.

“We are so pleased to have Sergeant Hartswick join our walk,” Shallenberger said. “The sergeant epitomizes the true meaning of Memorial Day…a time to remember those who have taken the fall while serving our country.”

Shallenberger will also acknowledge honored guests, the Gold Star families of Chad Edmundson, of Williamsburg, and Brian Clarkson, of Williamsport.

Before Hartswick’s keynote, State College Girl Scout Troop 40397 will perform the Color Guard and lead the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the national anthem and opening prayer from Fairbrook United Methodist Church Pastor Paul McReynolds.

Visit runsignup.com/Race/PA/Boalsburg/ASoldiersHands to register for the 5k. The cost to participate, which includes A Walk to Remember Our Fallen T-shirt, is $25 for adults; $20 for veterans; $15 for children aged 13-17; and $5 for children 12 and under.

Vendors from several veterans’ organizations will also be on site to provide information and support to veterans and their families. Some of the participating vendors include the DuBois Vet Center, Altoona VA Medical Center, PA Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Therapeutic Horse Riding Program.

After the walk, the event will conclude with a 21-gun salute provided by the Bellefonte VFW and “Taps” performed by State College Area High School student Hannah Majewski.

The event is sponsored by A Soldier’s Hands and the Pennsylvania Military Museum. Proceeds will go to A Soldier’s Hands, a non-profit organization that prepares and distributes messages of gratitude and care packages to thousands of deployed service members around the world.

The Pennsylvania Military Museum is located at 51 Boal Avenue in Boalsburg.