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Conklin: Responsible Contractor Ordinance Protects Workers

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State Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Rush Township. Photo by Geoff Rushton | StateCollege.com

Community Letters

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We should never put a label on worker safety. The men and women who toil every day to provide for themselves and their families should expect to have safe working conditions whether they are union or non-union.   

We should never put a label on a livable wage. Workers deserve to be compensated fairly and have the right to trust that they are receiving the full pay and benefits they deserve regardless of if they are union or non-union. 

We should never put a label on dealing fairly with a company. The taxpayers should be sure that the companies that are engaged in public works have a stellar reputation in treating their employees with dignity and respect.   

Public officials have a duty to make sure our dollars are being spent with firms who meet the highest standard without regard to whether they are union or non-union shops. There are many union and non-union companies that have great apprenticeship programs that foster quality work, create skilled craftsmen and understand that through these programs their reputations for high quality work are enhanced. This in turn creates a demand for their services. 

I have been a card-carrying member of a union since 1977. I also served as a Centre County Commissioner. I have dedicated my entire career in public service to being the voice of working people. The Responsible Contractor Ordinance is another tool in ensuring workers get the pay they deserve, the safety they need and the respect they have earned.   

This discussion should not be about labels. It is about human beings. Protecting our workers should be the top priority of all public servants.

State Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Rush Township