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Letters: CCDC Neglects Win4Bellefonte Democrats; Family Law Experience Needed for County Judge; Clear Choice for PV School Board

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Win4Bellefonte is disheartened by the Centre County Democratic Committee’s latest mailings that identify five Democrats running for Bellefonte Area School Board. The CCDC has ostracized Win4Bellefonte’s Democrats simply because they are willing to work together with Republicans to do what is best for our school district and community.

Win4Bellefonte is student-first, and student-focused, and has five candidates with vastly different backgrounds that wholeheartedly believe in the mission. When asked how the CCDC’s decision has impacted them, Kim Weaver and Jennifer Barnhart stated that “The CCDC never reached out to either of us to discuss our platform, and we are saddened and offended that our own party has ostracized us because we’ve chosen to collaborate with candidates from a different party to put students first and be student focused.”

Schools should not be political, and being able to cross-file as a school board candidate reflects that. The CCDC is only focused on getting five Democrats elected while Win4Bellefonte is focused on getting the BEST candidates elected. We are not defined by our political party — we are defined by our character and our mission to stay students-first, student-focused. Vote Democrat 2, 3, 5, 6, 11; Republican 2, 3, 4, 6, 10

Kim Weaver

Candidate for Bellefonte Area School Board

Family Law Experience Needed on Bench

Although you wouldn’t know it from Gopal Balachandran’s campaign for Centre County Judge, all three of our county’s continuing judges are experienced in criminal law. All three have handled criminal cases; two of them overseeing murder trials.

It is simply not accurate to say we need additional criminal law experience on the Centre County bench and disappointing that Balachandran would base his campaign on that false narrative.

The Centre County Legal Journal tracks the judges’ daily schedules. The 2022 Journal shows that 72% of the judge’s court time was spent on family law and civil cases. Julia Rater brings vast experience in the areas of greatest activity in our Centre County courts. Gopal Balachandran does not.

Robert Potter

‘Integrity, Dignity and Respect’ Needed for PV School Board

The election for school board members in Penns Valley presents a clear choice. Throughout Penns Valley you will see some signs that have four names on who, as a group, want to take over the school board. They are extremists and have no interest in public dialogue or the exchange of ideas and opposing views. Last week, on Route 144, a man tried to remove a yard sign promoting Domer Smeltzer. The homeowner caught him. She stood in front of his car and demanded he return the sign. Finally, he threw the sign at her and left. Several of these signs have been taken from yards in Penns Valley.

Integrity, dignity and respect are what is needed in school board members as they set an example for all our young people. In our front yard are signs for Domer Smeltzer, Karla Groy, Scott Butler and Celeste Powell. We chose to support these candidates because they have integrity, dignity and respect. They care about our young people and not some extreme agenda. If anyone feels the need to remove signs from our front yard, please don’t. Instead show some courage (like the woman on Route 144) and knock on our front door so we can discuss your intentions. A few businesses in the area are displaying signs endorsing these extremists, which is their right. It is our right to boycott these businesses. We urge all voters to choose candidates who are truly interested in our young people and the entire community.

Scott and Dixie Vogt
Centre Hall