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Loaded Gun Found in Carry-On Bag at State College Regional Airport

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State College Regional Airport. Photo by Geoff Rushton | StateCollege.com

Geoff Rushton


Transportation Security Administration officers found a loaded gun in a passenger’s carry-on bag on Monday at State College Regional Airport, according to a news release.

The 9mm handgun, which was loaded with nine bullets, including one in the chamber, was discovered in a Luzerne County man’s backpack after an X-ray alert at the security checkpoint. TSA notified police, who allowed him to return the gun to his vehicle.

He faces a civil penalty of $3,000 to $15,000 for bringing a gun to an airport security checkpoint.

“Bringing loaded guns to checkpoints is a serious security violation and this individual can expect to receive a federal fine that will be in the thousands of dollars,” Karen Keys-Turner, TSA’s federal security director for the airport, said in a statement. “It’s been 23 years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and people should know by now that they cannot bring firearms or any weapons through our checkpoints.”

Passengers are permitted to travel with firearms only in checked baggage if they are unloaded, packed in a hard-sided locked case and declared at the airline check-in counter.

“TSA reserves the right to issue a civil penalty to travelers who have guns and gun parts with them at a checkpoint,” according to the agency. “Civil penalties for bringing a gun into a checkpoint can stretch into thousands of dollars, depending on mitigating circumstances.”

Travelers found in violation can also lose TSA PreCheck privileges.

The 9mm gun found in a carry-on bag on Monday, Sept. 16, 2024, at State College Regional Airport. Photo provided | TSA