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Michele Marchetti Introduced as Managing Editor at StateCollege.com

StateCollege.com Staff

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It’s 5:30 a.m. on September 1, one of my favorite days of the year. To me, this day marks the true end of summer and the beginning of fall. It’s time to fill notebooks, football fields, lunch boxes and lockers. To replace that breezy summer novel with a book that thumps when it hits your night table. On January 1 we get the chance to hit the restart button; on September 1, we’re just getting started.

My own reason for getting out of bed is to introduce myself as the new managing editor of StateCollege.com. At the moment, I have an empty office, three unfilled Moleskine journals, and a voice mail account with no messages. My desk has yet to be stained by coffee or covered with memos. With the exception of the bag of good-luck gummy bears given to me by my son, the space is completely devoid of my personality.

Of course, I have another, equally important, job this morning: getting my son off to his first true day of kindergarten. Yesterday he joined mom and dad for a one-hour orientation; today, he’s on his own. The Buzz Lightyear backpack that takes up the entire expanse of his back holds just two items: a package of Spiderman pencils and a water bottle. His cubby is still empty.

In the next few weeks my son and I get a crack at one of the biggest thrills in life: doing something new for the first time. A job description with a focus on new ideas and partnerships serves as my own roadmap. I’ve been told that ‘this is the way it has always been done’ is not an acceptable answer in this office. I look forward to filling the pages of my notebooks with new ideas that will come alive on this website.

I’ve been following StateCollege.com for the past year since it started adding original content. For me the allure of working here is both personal and professional. My family and I moved from New York City to State College a few years ago (you can argue that we moved back, since we graduated from Penn State, where we met on The Daily Collegian) and hope to be here permanently. The issues StateCollege.com covers are the focal points of my life. On a professional level, I believe strongly in the power of community journalism and the ability of the Web to strengthen its impact. StateCollege.com keeps its readers informed, but it also provides a place for community members to share thoughts and ideas, resulting in an on-going conversation you can join the moment you turn on your computer.

What can you expect from me? My weekly columns will reflect a voice that’s unique to a mother of two young kids. As for content throughout the site, StateCollege.com will continue to cover the big stories, but I’d like to parlay my 15 years of experience writing for local and national audiences into more lifestyle pieces. Think movie reviews or a section where local non-profits can connect with volunteers—content that makes your life easier or just more fun. The idea is to give you answers to your everyday questions, like what to serve at your tailgate before the Penn State football team takes the field in its 2010 season opener against Youngstown State.

For me, 5:30 a.m. is the ideal time to think about these things. The house is quiet and time seems to slow down to a more manageable pace. All too soon the 7 a.m. chimes from Old Main will move me into a frenzied morning routine. On this day that includes making sure the camera is charged for the obligatory first-day-of-school snapshot.

The first few days of a new job or a new school year are so exciting because they’re fleeting. Soon my son’s teachers and the readers of this site will get a glimpse of our potential. For now, I’m relishing the empty Buzzlight Year backpack.