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Penn State Names New Top Lobbyist

Geoff Rushton

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Zack Moore, previously assistant vice president for governmental affairs, was approved as Penn State’s new vice president for government and community relations in a unanimous vote by the school’s Board of Trustees on Friday.

Moore replaces Mike DiRaimo, who led the office since 2012 and stepped down as of Thursday to transition to retirement. DiRaimo remains on staff in an advisory role through the end of the year. 

As Penn State’s chief lobbyist, Moore will oversee communications between the university and federal, state and local governments. The office develops legislative strategies and policy positions, monitors legislative proposals that may impact the university and its constituents and advises university leadership.

“I am extremely pleased that Zack will be our chief advocate in Harrisburg and Washington, D.C., moving forward, as there is no better champion for Penn State,” President Eric Barron said in a statement. “His thorough understanding of the university’s needs and interests will allow him to hit the ground running, and his keen insight into government and the legislative process, as well as the relationships he has built over many years, will serve Penn State well in the years ahead.”

A 1994 Penn State graduate, Moore returned to the university as director of federal relations after working as senior legislative director for former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum. Prior to that he was a Capitol Hill staff assistant to Rep. George Gekas and later legislative director for Rep. Rep. Charles Canady, and he founded a government consulting practice .

“As an alumnus of this great institution, I couldn’t be more proud to represent my alma mater before the federal, state and local governments,’ Moore said. ‘I am truly passionate about the value that Penn State brings to our community, to our state, and our nation, and I appreciate the trust that President Barron and the Board have placed in me.”