RateMyProfessors.com is a popular site owned by MTVU that lets students “review” their professors, whether real or fictional, based on several criteria: Overall Quality, Helpfulness, Clarity, Easiness, and Hotness (don’t pretend you’ve never used it). Overall, 4,538 past and present Penn State professors are rated as a 3.72/5 overall. The two schools ahead of Penn State, Duke and Vanderbilt, are a 3.79/5 and a 3.77/5 overall, respectively.
The site also has several other rankings, including Highest-Rated Professor, Hottest Professor, and several “fun” lists. While no individual professors are ranked, Penn State’s students are mentioned as being among the happiest in the country, based on the site’s school happiness rating.
This is the second time in the four years that RateMyProfessor.com has released its Best Professors list in which Penn State’s professors were honored. In 2010-11, Penn State’s professors were 23rd on the list, but failed to make the grade in 2009-10 and 2011-12.