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PHOTOS: Occupy Wall Street Movement Reaches Penn State

Occupy Penn State
StateCollege.com Staff

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Occupy Wall Street has come home to Penn State’s HUB-Robeson Center.

The movement’s local face has emerged as ‘Occupy Penn State,’ a student-led initiative that has established an indoor camp in the student-union building. It launched Monday.

By mid-day Monday, about 15 people had gathered. The group swelled to 50 in time for an evening organizational meeting the same day.

Participants have created a small library in the HUB and are brandishing a number of signs and posters. They’ve aired a variety of frustrations with the political, social and economic climates, according to Onward State reporting.

Many also are seeking to build a solidarity movement, OS noted.

Organizers said they expect the HUB ‘occupation’ to run all week — and for participation to grow.

Onward State’s coverage is posted here. The Collegian’s recent coverage is available here.

StateCollege.com Managing Editor William Derrick visited the occupation on Monday and shot the photos posted here. Click on the large image above to open a gallery.