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Assistant DA retires after more than 30 years of service

State College - Centre County gazette
Centre County Gazette

Gazette staff reports



BELLEFONTE — After more than three decades of “loyal and dedicated service to Centre County,” Assistant District Attorney Mark Smith has retired, said District Attorney Bernie Cantorna in a statement announcing Smith’s retirement.

His departure opened the door for Megan A. Mc-Goron to step into the role of Deputy District Attorney, to fill the void.

“(Smith) has been a cornerstone of the District Attorney’s Office for over three decades and a wealth of institutional knowledge,” Cantorna said. “He will be missed and has served the county with honor and integrity.”

Smith began his career as a law clerk and was hired as an assistant district attorney with the Centre County District Attorney’s Office in 1985. During that tenure, he served under District Attorneys Robert A. Mix, Ray Gricar, Michael Madeira, Stacy Parks Miller and Cantorna.

“Although sad to see Mark go, we are pleased to announce that Megan A. McGoron has been promoted to the role of deputy district attorney to fill Mr. Smith’s position,” said Cantorna.

He added, as deputy district attorney, McGoron is one of the primary trial lawyers in the office, carrying a full caseload including complex and difficult cases prosecuted by the office. She will also serve in the role as supervisor of the legal staff, overseeing the daily operations of the District Attorney’s Office, including policy and personnel matters.

“As the deputy district attorney, she acts as the third in command and also will retain her role as the integrity officer for Centre County,” said Cantorna.

McGoron graduated from The Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor of arts degree in English. She was an intern with the Pennsylvania Attorney General in the Bureau of Consumer Protection in Pittsburgh. She obtained her law degree from Claude W. Pettit College of Law at Ohio Northern University.