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Explorers Day: Your passport to Centre County history

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A demonstration of making holes for pegs to be used in 19th-century log construction. | Courtesy of the Centre County Historical Society

Danielle Blake

STATE COLLEGE — Gear up to learn about and explore Centre County’s historical and cultural sites at the 2024 Explorer’s Day. Explorers Day will be from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, June 9.

The Centre County Historical Society is hosting the event for visitors of all ages, rain or shine. Explorers can start by picking up a Centre County Explorers Passport booklet for themselves, their friends or their families at the Centre Furnace Mansion.

Guests will tour the Centre Furnace Mansion and get the opportunity to visit a 19th-century building tool display and demonstration before getting the chance to meet with representatives from other passport sites on the mansion grounds. Some of the other passport sites include the Advent Historical Society, Boalsburg Heritage Museum, Milesburg Museum and Discovery Space.

Sponsored by the Centre County Historical Society, the Explorers Passport program aims to encourage exploration of the cultural and historic treasures the county has to offer.

“Every corner of Centre County has its own unique story,” the Historical Society said in a press release. “It’s the perfect staycation.”

The free passport features more than 40 sites unique to Centre County. The passports provide simple instructions as well as a journaling section where eager explorers can document their findings and experiences.

Explorers can also find a passport at any of the Happy Valley Adventure Bureau locations.

“By visiting historic houses, museums, galleries and parks, and exploring the distinctive places that make Centre County special, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the county’s historical, cultural and natural resources,” the press release noted.

Additionally, participants can help support local communities by visiting the towns, shopping and enjoying some local cuisine.

Centre Furnace Mansion is located at 1001 E. College Ave., State College, and guests can find event parking on the lower lawn along College Avenue in addition to the Mansion lot off Porter Road. The Centre County Historical Society encourages participants to check ahead for hours and admission fees at passport sites.

Once participants have visited all the sites in the Centre County Explorers Passport, they’ll receive a special recognition gift. Explorers are also encouraged to share photos of their adventures with Centre County Historical Society’s social media pages or email them to [email protected].