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College Township Looking for Solutions for After-Dark Park Usage

Dalevue Park in College Township. Photo by Geoff Rushton | StateCollege.com

Vincent Corso

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Over the past two years, College Township has received increased reports of “nefarious activities” in Dalevue Park after dark.

From Aug. 3, 2020, to June 13, 2022, there were at least 17 complaints made to the State College Police Department concerning activity after dark at the park, which is located near Lemont at 413 Goldfinch Lane.

The facility is closed from dusk to dawn, so community members asked to have a light installed in the parking lot to discourage people from using the park at that time.

After reviewing the matter, the Township Parks and Recreation Committee recommended that a street light not be added to the parking lot because it is believed that adding a light would attract more traffic. The committee said it also felt the light would confuse residents who know to go to other parks, such as Slab Cabin Park, when lights are turned on to signify that the park is open after dark.

On Aug. 17 township council asked the Parks and Rec Committee to consider the potential addition of a reflective sign that would inform people the park and parking lot are closed during hours of darkness.

Most of the activity at the park that was reported to police did not include any other criminal activity. There was a situation involving low level fireworks were being used at the park, and instances where marijuana and paraphernalia were found on the premises. Most of the instances involved people who were unaware the park was closed after dark or who had left the area before the police arrived on scene.

Resident Lori Shield, who lives near the park, has made many of the reports to the police concerning the matter. She told council that while most of the incidents involving the police were benign, “There were a couple of instances where my husband approached people who had things and we don’t know what they were. … We live beside this park. We see the activity here.”

She added that police do respond when calls are made about the issue, but the patrols taper off after a period of time.

Township Manager Adam Brumbaugh said the township has had an ongoing dialogue about the situation with State College police about increased patrolling of the area.

He said that while it is not the only location where the township has received complaints, it has been receiving the most calls lately.

Council also directed Brumbaugh to speak to police again about continued patrolling of all township parks. Township staff is also going to research the potential addition of a solar powered motion sensor light.

This story appears in the Aug. 25-31 edition of The Centre County Gazette.