Michael Fester had always dreamed of opening his own record shop. However, it wasn’t until he moved from across the country to central Pennsylvania that he found the perfect opportunity.
Fester, the owner of Fez Records in Bellefonte, opened his shop to the public on Oct. 1. The independent record store at 2042 Axemann Road offers a mix of new and used vinyl records, CDs, cassette tapes, turntables and more. Products are also available through an online store.
“I knew that there was a need for hardcore vinyl fans to have a place to pick up new products,” said Fester, who works with two distributors to keep vinyl in stock. “There’s something special about thumbing through stacks instead of going to Amazon or an online service.”
While more dedicated customers could browse Fez Records’ shelves for hours, Fester hopes the shop will cater to music fans at large, too. After months of preparations, the first-time business owner says initial feedback has already been encouraging.
“Reception has been phenomenal from people who are more serious audiophiles, including collectors and those who listen religiously, as well as the casual shoppers who popped in over the weekend,” Fester said. “Our customers have already ranged from kids to seniors, and everyone seems to have enjoyed it so far.”
Managing the shop outside of his day job, Fester worked tirelessly this summer to get Fez Records up to speed. The roughly 1,000-square-foot record shop sits inside what used to be office space at Bellefonte’s Titan Energy Park, the burgeoning commercial complex in the former Cerro Metal plant where it joins a host of businesses including Axemman Brewery and Smokey Axe Grille, Titan Market, Titan Hollow and Felicity Pet Supplies.
Fester often spent his evenings and weekends cleaning, painting and renovating the site. New hanging light fixtures provide the space with a more modern flair, while comfortable couches give visitors a chance to kick back and relax. The shop’s cinderblock walls are now lined with concert posters and artwork to complement countless shelves holding records and tapes. Perhaps the most prominently represented act is Pearl Jam, Fester’s favorite band.
On top of a remodeled interior, the shop features listening stations that help customers try out products before they make purchases. Of-age customers are also encouraged to grab a beer while they browse Fez Records’ shelves.
“It took a lot of work to get here, but we’re open,” Fester said with a laugh. “The store looks great, and we’re now working to bring in more inventory to really kick into gear.”
Out west, Fester grew up shopping at record stores in Arizona and Las Vegas and worked to incorporate some of his favorite elements into his new business. Fez Records’ major remodel hopes to distinguish the shop from some record store stereotypes, Fester said.
“I wanted to make sure the space was well-lit, not dark and dingy like you might see elsewhere,” Fester said. “I wanted it to be welcoming, still decorated with music memorabilia and pieces of my life all over the place.”
While Fester’s life has taken him all over the country, it’s always been filled with music. He recalls growing up while attending concerts with his family, and he’s now doing the same with his daughters.
Fester doesn’t have a musical bone in his body, he said, but that hasn’t stopped him from developing a passion that runs deep in his soul.
“Going to concerts and live shows feels like going to church in a way,” he continued. “Music provides my place to get in touch with what feels like a spiritual connection, and I hope Fez Records can do that for other people, too.”
Fez Records is up and running just about a year after Fester left Arizona and moved to the Centre Region alongside his wife, who grew up in Bellefonte and graduated from Lock Haven University. He recalled visiting the area with her over the holidays and quickly realized it would serve as the perfect backdrop for his future record store.
“I remember the first time visiting Bellefonte, I said, ‘I could definitely see a little record shop in this downtown area,’” Fester said. “That red brick everywhere…it felt perfect. I’m now signed off for a long lease, and I’m excited to be a part of this community.”
Once he moved to his new home in State College, Fester began exploring his options and settled on a location for his shop. At the same time, he chose to get a head start on community outreach by diving head-first into Bellefonte’s “Friday in the ‘Fonte” events. From May to October, the series offers live music and activities for locals and visitors alike. But for Fester, “Friday in the ‘Fonte” provided a chance to learn more about a budding community.
“Being out there with other small business owners is a lot of fun,” Fester said. “I’m trying to immerse myself in the local culture as much as possible. Bellefonte is going through a bit of a renaissance now, especially downtown, and I’m eager to be a part of this community.”
Fester will represent Fez Records with a booth at Friday, Oct. 28’s “Friday in the ‘Fonte” event. He hopes to one day host local musicians for performances at his shop, too.
Fester opened Fez Records to explore a new venture outside of his work as the assistant principal at Park Forest Middle School in State College. However, he says that transition isn’t too challenging considering both fields hinge on the construction of strong relationships.
“This record store is all about talking to people and making connections…helping people feel heard and important,” Fester said. “We’re making sales, sure, but it’s all in a genuine manner. My educational career has always been about building relationships first, too, and whatever good comes out of that is a bonus. I’m happy to do the same at my own record shop now.”
For now, Fez Records is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturdays and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays. The shop will offer a 10% store-wide discount as it hosts a “not-as-grand” opening on Saturday, Oct. 8.
For more information on Fez Records, visit its website or follow along on Facebook and Instagram.