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Letter: Resolve to Stop Proposed Casino

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Community Letters


It’s truly great to see our community’s continuing resolve in stopping the proposed casino from coming to the Nittany Mall.  WE ARE going to win this battle! 

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (PGCB) has now received over 100 emails from area residents expressing strong opposition to the casino and the chaos it would bring. All of those emails are posted on the College Township website under “Casino Information.” The Gaming Control Board continues to accept public input and plans to review all of it before their seven commissioners vote to approve or reject the casino’s application later this year. 

We’ll win this battle against the planned casino by redoubling our community’s resolve and convincing the PGCB commissioners to deny approval of the casino’s application. Email the PGCB today at [email protected] and remind them we don’t want a casino in our community.

The decision-makers at the PGCB will realize the “sleeping giant” is awake and we’ve voiced our resolve to win this fight. I’m confident they’ll concur with our strong opposition and vote to deny the chaos the casino would bring to Happy Valley. 

Hoping for good luck won’t win this battle but speaking out right now will.

Daniel Materna