State College Borough Councilwoman Katherine Yeaple has proven herself to be a thoughtful assessor of the needs of our community. She is a woman of integrity who listens and considers all sides of an issue. Currently, she is the only person of color on council.
Not a grandstander or one-issue politician, Councilwoman Yeaple promotes solutions that really make a difference for everyone, solutions that increase both social inclusion and eco-justice in State College:
- She stands for guarantees that physical and mental health care are prioritized. She believes that community response to mental health situations can be strategic and effectively coordinated, and that mental health units should be first-responders for handling crisis situations in our community.
- She cares about our environment and access. She was an early advocate of Penn State’s Musser Gap to Valleylands project. She prioritizes more investment in pedestrian/bike infrastructure, prioritizing connectivity to increase our transport choices, our health, reduce our carbon footprint, and increase neighborhood interactions.
- She stands for improved access to food and affordable housing.
- She wants to institute a State College office for immigrants, refugees and people of color.
We are lucky to have her skills on council. As a trained nurse and formerly a city planner by experience and degree, Councilwoman Yeaple is health and infrastructure savvy. She knows more than most how cities can serve their citizens through reimagining government, increase inclusivity and change lives for the better.
Councilwoman Yeaple deserves your vote!
Dorothy Blair
President, Nittany Valley Environmental Coalition