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Letter: Would a Casino Bring Problem Gambling to Happy Valley?

State College - casino rendering

Preliminary design rendering of the exterior of the proposed casino at the Nittany Mall. Image by Nelson Worldwide

Community Letters

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Have you seen many local college students playing those PA Skills Machines at local convenience stores?  Probably not. That’s surprising since the minimum age to play those machines is just 18.  Are you hearing that now for the first time? Probably. 

Have you heard that PA Skills Machines aren’t considered to be gambling devices because an element of skill is involved in winning? Probably.   

Do you think any older Pennsylvanians and young adults are playing those skills machines because of the enjoyment experienced while doing so? Probably not.  

Do you think anyone you know could possibly lose their entire paycheck or savings account balance at those machines? Maybe. If they did that lose that much, would you tell them it’s their own fault for not stopping before that happened? Probably.     

Do you know anyone in Happy Valley who is experiencing gambling problems? If so, would you ask them “Why don’t you just quit?” I think so. If gambling addiction has not affected you or anyone you know yet, do you know what “yet” stands for? Yet stands for “You’re eligible too!”  

Do you hope the proposed casino at Nittany Mall is approved? That approval is easily accomplished by just sitting back and watching it happen. If you strongly oppose a casino at the Nittany Mall you are going to have to tell the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board why, and soon. You can do that today by e-mailing them at [email protected].

Or you can always just choose to just roll the dice!

Daniel Materna,