Spot 5
Great Outdoors: Even in winter, hardy kayakers find peace on the water
When life gets stressful, meditation, fresh air, and exercise can often help relieve the tension. Sue Melbourne prefers to do all three at the same time, through kayaking. “It’s […]
Taste of the Month: Prepare for a Latin American feast at El Gloton
Colombia’s rich food culture is a harmonious blend of Spanish influence, with the indigenous plethora of ingredients from the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Caribbean Sea to the north, […]
Q&A with Shizuka and Sam Buckley, founders of Giv Local
In June 2018, Shizuka Buckley, her husband, Sam Buckley, and their friend, Christian Baum, launched Giv Local – a State College-based credit card processing company with a socially responsible twist. […]
On Tap: Beer expert Lew Bryson lists his top pours of 2018
It’s that time of year when, besides all the holiday celebrations, we reflect on the past 12 months and see countless lists of the best movies, books, TV shows, events, […]
Artist of the Month: Pennsylvania Chamber Orchestra brings family back with “The Snow Queen Past and Present”
For the first time in seven years, the Pennsylvania Chamber Orchestra will feature a family concert. As part of it 2018-19 season, the orchestra will present The Snow Queen […]
High Drama: 82-year-old Marie Cameron will be among those going ‘Over The Edge’ for two good causes
“I have lived a great life. This is how I give back,” says a committed volunteer. A transplanted Canadian from Nova Scotia who has lived in numerous places in this […]
Artist of the Month: Adam Swartz teaches entertaining life lessons through his puppetry
Adam Swartz is living a dream many fail to achieve. He didn’t have to really grow up. As a puppeteer for his company, Adam Swartz Puppets, Swartz has taken […]
On Tap: The State College Brew Expo marks its 20th year by featuring beers from Pennsylvania
To celebrate the State College Brew Expo’s 20th year, Michael Martin, who runs the expo with his wife, Malissa, didn’t look too far when it came to deciding which breweries […]
On Center: Joshua Bell
“Mr. Bell,” writes a New York Times critic, “doesn’t stand in anyone’s shadow.” The Mr. Bell in question is Joshua Bell, the most celebrated and popular violinist of his generation. […]
On Tap: Experts share tips on the top brews to enjoy as the weather heats up
While Christmas is the “most wonderful time of year,” for those who enjoy trying new beers, it’s tough to beat summer. Beer goes with the other three “Bs” of the […]