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Penn State Football: Shawn Oakman Faces Charges in Pollock Commons Incident

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StateCollege.com Staff

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Former Penn State defensive end Shawn Oakman, dismissed from the football team last month, has been charged with disorderly conduct, harassment and retail theft, according to university police.

The incident occurred around 5 p.m. Feb. 25 in Pollock Commons, according to police. Oakman, who redshirted last season as a freshman, was kicked off the team three days later by first-year coach Bill O’Brien.

Penn State Police Chief Tyrone Parham said Oakman presented some items to the cashier at The Mix, but withheld a grape juice, valued at $1.29, and an Italian sub, valued at $6.59.

When the cashier refused Oakman his Penn State ID because of the unpaid items, Oakman shoved the employee against a wall, Parham said. 

By the time police arrived at Pollock Commons, Oakman had fled the scene, Parham said. 

Oakman, 6-feet-9, 270 pounds, was dismissed for what the school said was a violation of team rules.

“We have a policy book we put together,” O’Brien said earlier this month. “We went through the rules with our football team two weeks ago, and there are certain things that are off the field that I’ll leave between the team and myself that we will have no tolerance for.”

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